Duniya meri jaan

"Duniya meri jaan"... "the world my dear" Lost among the sea of people, drowning in the sea of voices, tired from boredom... Jus a lil blog that takes you thru the eyes and thoughts of a by-stander, an observer..

Location: India

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Black...love it or hate it.

Colours...or is it Colors... always caught my eye. Subjects at school used be weird... Basic/C++ in computers wanted "color" from me, and my beloved english teacher always yelled at us for making trivial "Error"s.

Black may be a really nice colour...should i say...an Evergreen colour..! Personally i love it. Studies, it seems have shown that if you have a longing for 'black', all the time, you ought to be an introvert. So...that makes me one? Don't really know.
Movies have always glorified women and men in Black...The Matrix, Batman Begins,Terminator..i hear that Spidey too is coming out in a new black suit!

Totally contrary to what one of my friend's mother believes. She's from the eastern part of India.. the city of Kolkatta. I remember once when my friend bought a black T-shirt..( He really was looking like the 'dude' he alwyas wanted to be in that T-shirt)
The joy was short lived.. The moment his mother saw it... she wen't berserk! Scolded the poor kid, embarrased him right in front of his friends. Lucky for him, the store had a 24 hr return policy.

Black...the colour of the mystics, the color of void.

It was pouring quite heavily.. 11pm. And already the streets were deserted. I had gone to the movies with a friend and was returning by my car. Just had ten bucks in my pocket... had to part with the rest due to some miscalulation at the pizza outlet...(lolz)

Amdist foggy windshields and the glare of the headlights, and the voice of Kurt, i failed to notice a car with blackened windows almost brush past me! I was doing about 70!!
There are quite a few miserable idiots who owns a car with so called "VIP number plates" and think its damn cool to drink everynight and play crappy music on full volume...

Thanks to technology, (power steering) i was able to save myself from another night of guilt! (I really love my sweet set of wheels...)

A couple of scratches already on her and the wrath of a jilted kid whom i refused to employ for bathing her ( the damn kid keyed her!!) already occupying the guilt-vault of my head that opens up very often these days...

Dumb...a**h*le!!!! Thats all i could say. DUI i guess...

It was then that i realised why the cops are always out to ticket people with darkend windows. Its a law out here.. at least in this part of the country... you gotta have atleast 50-75% transparency. Actually, why this law came into effect is because of a grusome incident..

The cops actually shot dead two business-men in a case of mistaken identity when they were on the trail of two terrorists..

There will always be people who really love the colour black, and those that would fear it and despise it. I really haven't met anyone who would fall in between though......

Monday, July 24, 2006

Suicides and Monsoon tamashas

Monsoon.... ah! what a relief. Forget the rain, finally theres something exciting on TV! Wondering what I'm ranting 'bout?

Roman emperors with their colleseums and lions and fire-breathers! Nothing compares to this.

Welcome to the monsson-session of the parliament! Oh yes! We have the right to speak, shout, abuse verbally, physically, mentally.....even at times throw stuff at each other( very true for state assemblies...) After all we are 'manesters' (ministers).
Oh, we can also go out on the roads with plates and spoons and make noises and smile for the media!

There on one side we have the progress and everything... Surely we can't eliminate hunger, poverty...blah blah.. ( realistically, its true..it ain't possible!)

60 farmers have committed suicide in the state of Maharashtra..that too from a particular region of the state. This is a figure that has emerged after our beloved PM sahib visited these areas and promised a huge sums of aid money(Rs 400 crores was it...?) Where has the money vanished?The chief minister says.."oh we are trying.... out very best..." With all due respect sir, your aren't elected.... just to try!
Mr minister, switch on the news channels, you'll now what went wrong.

Forget it!Blame the "system" yaar.. thats the best thing to do!

No...thats exactly what i don't intend to do... Neither do i want to hold the Prime Ministers responsible nor political parties! ( i really don't want to get this page blocked by the DoT).

59 years... am i right? Independence.. 15th of August is right around the corner!

Democracy, Equality, what were the rest of the words on that constitution thing??

So much to say, so much to critisize.. but what am i doing to help?
Something for me to ponder over, just somehting to feed the insomniac in me.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Long live the Prince!

Long live the king, long live the king...

Back in the time of the erstwhile British Empire, chanting this would have in the good books of the administration. In case you were from any of the (oppressed upon) colonies, you probably could get a job in the Services itself and be looked upon as a friendly native rather than an inferior 'animal'.

Well, things have changed now.

If you were in India right now.. You must have chanted "Long live the Prince, Long live the Prince"

It was a Sunday morning, I woke up late (as usual..) and out of habitual compulsion, turned on the idiot-box whilst still rubbing my eyes and shielding my eyes from the sunlight outside...
By the time I turned on the volume of the TV, all kinds of sci-fi thoughts swept my still groggy head!

Was this somekind of an alien being...So many people around the hole...Was it a vehicle from outer-space that crashed finally justifying the word "HUFF"?...The police is everywhere..

There it was. Rather there he was... 'prince'..No rather "the prince". LIVE pictures of a six year old kid. His name was 'Prince'. Stuck in a hole 57 feet deep, eating senescent of a fruit and driking a glass of milk. Totally oblivious the 'hulla' outside, just gladly appreciating food. He was being shown eating, a camera attached to a cord and lowered (somewhat reminding me of my mother's endoscopy).

"The chief minister of the State is on his way...", said the reporter.

There I sat wondering. Why is the chief minister of the state, a mere polititian coming there? Shouldn't it be the rescuers with equipment? Polls aren't scheduled for the state in the near future... Or is the CM, a Putin(expert at things apart from politics)...Naah...

"By the way, the kid's been stuck in the hole for more than 41 hours...", said the reporter.

What about the village folk..?They are supposed to be strong and brave as compared to the city slickers.. Haven't they found a way to pull that kid out of there?? Oh, they tried but couldn't. The hole was too dangerous to disturb. Prince could get buried in...Alive!

I switched channels.. Kept pressing the buttons on my remote till I was clear of the host of national news channels, who eventually gave the viewer a 360 degree view of the location with each news camera on a different side of the site...

I watched "The Simpsons" in the evening on TV. Casually went back to the news channels to check out news about the 'Israel-Hezbollah' (why are the people of Lebanon being killed????) conflict.

No, it wasn't deja vu.. but all of them still carried the news of "Prince"..

Live feeds from the site. As i went ..."oh my God!!"... The small strip at the bottom of the screen said "prince rescued" This is at about 7pm at nite! The army was called in. they rescued Prince! (by now prince had to be called 'our Prince'. Every household was tuned in to the news all day. The older folk especially.... took more interest and prayed for his safety.)

SMS's started flowing in from friends... "the Army did a great job rescuing the kid.You should be proud! Forward this all your friends if you love your country!" ( there is a rumour that such messages are started by the cell-phone companies themselves to increase their revenue!)

So here are my questions... Why in the world did it take so long to help the poor kid...more than 50 hours since fell into the hole? Has the media really helped?Or has it just given the politicians a fresh makeover and bettered their ratings? Will people still watch saans-bahu soaps or be more interested in reality tv? Will Prince be remembered or be forgotten if people like cross-dressing policemen take hold of the camera again?

I just hope, the newspapers carry more information on the mumbai-blasts investigations and the conflict in mid-east.

Yet, i salute the little kid. For braving rough weather, the hunger, the physical pain, most of all... duniya!

Duniya meri jaan!